Food and beverage

Food and Beverage Discounts

Restaurants & Shop Privileges at the West Kowloon Cultural District

此優惠不適用於所有香港公眾假期及節日,包括一月一日、農曆年初一至初四、情人節、清明節、耶穌受難節及復活節假期、勞動節、母親節、佛誕、父親節、端午節、香港特別行政區成立紀念日、中秋節及中秋節翌日、國慶、重陽節、冬至、平安夜、聖誕節、聖誕節後第一個周日及假期, 和除夕。卓越會員折扣不適用於上述日期。

This offer is not applicable on all Hong Kong public holidays and festivals, including but not limited to, The first day of January, Lunar New Year’s Day & the second to the fourth day of Lunar New Year, Valentine’s Day, Ching Ming Festival, Good Friday, Easter Monday & Holidays, Labor Day, Mother’s Day, The Birthday of the Buddha, Father’s Day, Tuen Ng Festival, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Establishment Day, Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival and the day following Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival, National Day, Chung Yeung Festival, Winter Solstice, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day & Holidays, and The last day of December. Premium Member discount is not applicable on the above blackout dates.

  1. 按此瀏覽優惠詳情及細則     
  2. Click HERE for details

Terms and Conditions


  • 優惠期由即日起至另行通知 
    The offer is valid until further notice
  • 請於結帳前出示職員證/學生證
    Show a staff or student card at the time of payment settlement

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