Maintenance Services
The Building Services Unit is responsible for the daily maintenance of all buildings and buildings services systems on the University Campus and the HSUHK Jockey Club Residential Colleges to ensure they are in a safe, reliable and environment-friendly working conditions:
Air-conditioning services
There are different air-conditioning systems on campus ranging from window units, split type air-conditioners, state-of-the-art installations such as district cooling and chilled ceiling systems to enhance the energy efficiency.

Fire Services
Out-sourced licensed specialist contractors are engaged to ensure all fire services systems are in proper functioning conditions and comply with all statutory requirements.
Lifts and Escalators Services
Out-sourced licensed specialist contractors are engaged to ensure all lift and escalators installations are in proper functioning conditions and comply with all statutory requirements.
Power and Electrical Services
All day to day installations and maintenance are carried out by our team of licensed electricians.

Plumbing, Drainage and Sewage Pumping System
The water supply systems comprise of potable, cleaning, flushing and irrigation water supply networks through a series of distribution systems including pipes, pumps, pneumatic cylinders, water tanks, filters and fittings.
Due to the geographical locations of the University, all sewages are collected at the campus sewage plant and pump uphill to government sewers near Kwong Yuen Estate.

Building, Fabric, Fixtures and Furniture
These include all exteriors and interiors of all built facilities vary from building structures, facades, roofs, windows, doors, locks, ironmongeries, built-in and loose furniture etc.

Renovation, Improvement and Change of Use
From times to times, the University facilities may require renovation in order to upkeep the conditions of the facilities or bring in new initiatives in the uses of existing campus spaces to facilitate the University’s operational needs.

Event Support and Setting
Our staff may assist in the hanging of University promotion displays in accordance with the Policy Guidelines and Procedures for the Display of Publicity Materials on Campus. For major University Events such as Graduation Ceremony, Students Orientation, High Table Dinner etc., our staff will provide the venue and decoration planning, temporary service provisions, stage and props setting etc.