Landscape Management
To provide a welcome campus ambiance that University/ community can enjoy with pride, our Landscaping unit is responsible for the daily maintenance and management of the campus landscape. Our Landscaping unit provide different landscaping services for the campus, including landscaping maintenance service, tree maintenance service, landscaping improvement, lawn maintenance, event support and organic farm etc. Moreover, the Landscaping unit would review and introduce different new species of plants into the campus regularly in order to increase the biodiversity in campus.

Tree Maintenance
There are over 500 trees, covering more than 50 tree species, on the University campus. Tree surveys and risk assessments are conducted regularly in order to identify any tree that have high risk of causing harm to passers-by. Mitigation measures have been taken to rectify the trees with immediate danger.

Event Support
The unit is responsible for provision of seasonal flowers and potted plants for common areas and institutional events including Graduation Ceremony.

Organic Farm
An organic plantation leasing program offers many benefits to participants who want to experience and learn organic farming practices. Participants will also enjoy our campus facilities together as well as to promote interaction and to establish a sense of belonging amongst students and staff.

Landscaping Improvement
In order to soften hard surfaces and enhance the greenery at prominent locations on campus, bamboo, plants and flowers were created.

Potted plants were placed in buildings to allow staff and students to enjoy a campus that is both pleasant and functional.