HSUHK’s commitment to environmental protection and campus sustainability is manifested with all new buildings on campus having received notable recognitions and awards by the Hong Kong Green Building Council. The certification of BEAM Plus is rated for a building’s overall environmental performance, in terms of its energy efficiency, water economy, waste minimisation, heritage and visual impacts, ecological enhancement, and air, noise and water pollution, during building design and construction processes.
Between the years 2014 and 2016, three Final Platinum ratings of BEAM Plus New Buildings V1.1 were awarded to HSUHK’s S H Ho Academic Building, Lee Shau Kee Complex and Lee Quo Wei Academic Building respectively. In addition, the College also received the Final Platinum rating of BEAM Plus New Buildings V1.2 for the HSUHK Jockey Club Residential Colleges, and was selected as a “Finalist” for the Green Building Awards 2016 under the New Buildings Category (Completed Projects – Institutional Building) in 2016.
HSUHK was the only higher education institution in Hong Kong recognised as the “Organisation with the most BEAM Plus Final Platinum Projects” in 2017 for its commitment to applying environmental measures in academic buildings, student hostel and facilities. These achievements affirm the College’s leading role in promoting green initiatives in the region.
In 2023, a Provision Platinum rating of BEAM Plus New Buildings V2.0 was also awarded to Creative Humanities Hub, which is another new academic building).

In addition, HSUHK received a number of awards in recognition of its outstanding performance in energy conservation and environmental sustainability:
- “Gold Award” of Universal Design Award Scheme 24/25 (通用設計嘉許計劃) to Creative Humanities Hub, by Equal Opportunities Commission;
- Quality Water Supply Scheme for Buildings (大廈優質供水認可計劃) – Fresh Water (Management System) (Blue) (食水(管理系統)) and Flushing Water (Blue) 冲廁水, by Water Supplies Department;
- Hong Kong Green Organisation (香港綠色機構), by the Hong Kong Green Organisation Certification under Environmental Campaign Committee and Environmental Protection Department;
- GreenPlus Award 2017 (環保節能機構), by China Light and Power;
- “Excellent Class” IAQ Certification Scheme (室內空氣質素檢定計劃), by Environmental Protection Department;
- Certification of Compliance Registration for Code of Practice for Energy Efficiency of Building Services Installations 2012 Edition (室內空氣質素檢定證書), by Environmental Protection Department.
- “Class of Basic Level” Energywi$e Certificate (節能證書) and Wastesi$e Certificate (減廢證書), by the Hong Kong Green Organisation Certification under Environmental Campaign Committee;
- Hanson Outstanding Award 2017 (卓越慳神獎), by Environment Bureau; and
- Waste Check Commitment Award ( 惜物.有計約章), by Environmental Protection Department and Hong Kong Productivity Council;
- Hong Kong Sustainability Award 18/19 – Certificate of Excellent (香港可持續發展獎)(Large Organisation Category), by Hong Kong Management Association
- 2020 Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence – Certificate of Merit (香港環境卓越大獎) (Public and Community Services Category), by Environmental Campaign Committee
- GBA Low Carbon Buildings TOP 100 Award (大灣區低碳建築TOP100大獎), by GBA Carbon Neutrality Association